
You scratch our back, we’ll scratch yours.

Turn on the tap of on-demand resources when your requirements outstrip your capacity, or take advantage of a stream of work to keep idle hands busy during agency downtime.

Feast or famine? We’ve been there. Too many mouths to feed and not enough work to go around.

Or too much work on and not enough people to do it. Either scenario can make or break your P&L or your client relationships. That’s why agencies big and small partner with Flow in order to top-up capacity or keep the work coming in during those quieter times.

Our Agency Partners

Never turn down good work again

Our on-demand experts can fill knowledge-gaps, skills-shortages, and resource constraints meaning you never need to say ‘no’ again.

Extra capacity when you need it most

Demand outstripping supply? That new hire got a 3-month notice period? Turn on the tap of expert support today.

Discover new project opportunities

Top up your workstream as and when you need to with quality projects, matched to meet your agency specialisms.

Ease your agency growing pains

Our leadership team has grown agencies from the ground-up. Tap into their expertise by hiring a non-exec director or mentor.

Why Hire With Flow?

We’re built for growth, with higher quality, flexibility, and lower costs and risks associated with the traditional direct-hiring or un-vetted freelancer platforms.

Ecommerce specialism

High, in all functions
Virtual Platforms
Direct Employment
High, but role-specific

Pre-screened candidates

Virtual Platforms
Direct Employment

Time to find help

0-3 weeks
Virtual Platforms
1-2 months
Direct Employment
2-4 months

Recruitment cost

Virtual Platforms
Direct Employment

Service Quality Assurance

Virtual Platforms
Direct Employment

Failure rate

Very Low
Virtual Platforms
Very High
Direct Employment

Dedicated experts

Virtual Platforms
Direct Employment

AI assistant and solutions

Virtual Platforms
Direct Employment

Termination costs

Virtual Platforms
Direct Employment
Very High

Flexibility (changing services / experts)

High Flexibility
Virtual Platforms
Low Flexibility
Direct Employment

Defined service objectives and reporting

Virtual Platforms
Direct Employment

Project and work communication system via Basecamp, with oversight and escalation procedures.

Virtual Platforms
Direct Employment
Virtual Platforms
Direct Employment
Ecommerce specialism
High, in all functions
High, but role-specific
Pre-screened candidates
Time to find help
0-3 weeks
1-2 months
2-4 months
Recruitment cost
Service Quality Assurance
Failure rate
Very Low
Very High
Dedicated experts
AI assistant and solutions
Termination costs
Very High
Flexibility (changing services / experts)
High Flexibility
Low Flexibility
Defined service objectives and reporting
Project and work communication system via Basecamp, with oversight and escalation procedures.