All of Shopify’s AI tools explained

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All of Shopify's AI tools explained

Staying ahead of the competition requires more than just a great product and a sleek website. Enter Shopify’s suite of AI tools—powerful features designed to optimise every aspect of your online store, from customer engagement to sales forecasting. 

In this post, we’ll explore the range of AI tools Shopify offers, how they work, and how you can utilise them to take your business to the next level.

Shopify Magic: AI-powered content generation

Shopify Magic is a generative AI tool that helps merchants create engaging content for product descriptions, emails, and more. By leveraging natural language processing, Shopify Magic can draft text that aligns with your brand’s tone and style, saving you time and ensuring consistency across your communications.

How it works:

Product descriptions: when you input a few keywords or product details, Shopify Magic generates a polished product description that highlights the features and benefits in an appealing way.

Email campaigns: with this tool, you can quickly draft personalised emails that resonate with your target audience, increasing open and click-through rates.

SEO optimisation: Shopify Magic also considers SEO best practices, helping your content rank better on search engines.


  • Saves time on content creation
  • Ensures consistency and professionalism
  • Enhances SEO without extra effort

Shopify Sidekick: your AI-powered ecommerce assistant

Shopify Sidekick is an AI-driven assistant integrated into the Shopify platform, designed to streamline and enhance the experience for merchants. It functions as a virtual assistant that can handle a wide range of tasks, from answering questions to performing specific actions, making it an invaluable tool for store owners and operators.

How it works:

Natural language processing: powered by NLP, Shopify Sidekick understands and processes natural language inputs from users. Whether you’re typing a question or giving a command, Sidekick can comprehend and respond appropriately.

Task automation: the Sidekick can perform a variety of tasks on your behalf. For instance, if you ask Sidekick to update product prices, check inventory levels, or analyse sales data, it can execute these tasks directly within the Shopify platform.

Integration with Shopify features: the tool is deeply integrated with the Shopify ecosystem. It can pull data from various parts of your store, such as customer information, product details, and sales analytics, to help you make informed decisions quickly.


  • Time efficiency by automating routine tasks
  • Improved decision making with instant access to data and analytics
  • Simplified store management

Shopify Inbox: AI-driven customer support

Shopify Inbox is an AI-enhanced live chat tool that integrates with your store, allowing you to communicate directly with customers. It includes features like automated responses and customer insights, making your support team more efficient.

How it works:

Automated responses: using AI, Shopify Inbox can suggest replies to common questions, reducing response time and ensuring that customers receive accurate information quickly.

Customer insights: the tool analyses customer behaviour and previous interactions to provide contextually relevant responses, improving the overall shopping experience.

Integration with messaging apps: Shopify Inbox can connect to popular messaging platforms like Facebook Messenger and Instagram Direct, centralising all customer interactions in one place.


  • Improves response time and accuracy
  • Centralises customer communication
  • Provides valuable insights to tailor the customer experience

Shopify Search & Discovery: AI-enhanced search functionality

Shopify’s Search & Discovery app uses AI to improve the search experience in your store, making it easier for customers to find exactly what they’re looking for. This tool enhances search relevance and can personalise results based on customer behaviour.

How it works

Smart search: the AI understands synonyms, common misspellings, and customer intent, delivering more relevant search results.

Product recommendations: it provides AI-driven recommendations based on the customer’s browsing and purchase history, boosting cross-sell and upsell opportunities.

Filter and sort customisation: merchants can customise how products are filtered and sorted, with AI ensuring that the most relevant products appear at the top.


  • Increases conversion rates by improving product discoverability
  • Enhances the customer experience with personalised recommendations
  • Reduces bounce rates by delivering relevant results quickly

Shopify Audiences: AI for targeted advertising

Shopify Audiences is an AI-powered tool designed to optimise your advertising campaigns. By leveraging machine learning, it helps you identify and target high-potential audiences across multiple ad platforms.

How it works

Audience creation: the AI analyses data from your store and others within the Shopify network to create highly targeted audience segments.

Cross-platform integration: these audiences can be directly used in ad campaigns on platforms like Facebook and Google, ensuring your ads reach the right people.

Performance tracking: the tool continuously monitors the performance of your audiences, providing insights that can help you refine your targeting strategies.


  • Increases ad campaign ROI by targeting more relevant audiences
  • Saves time on manual audience research
  • Provides insights that can be used to improve future campaigns

Shopify Flow: automate workflows with AI

Shopify Flow is an automation tool that uses AI to help merchants create workflows that save time and reduce human error. It’s ideal for automating repetitive tasks and ensuring consistency across operations.

How it works

Pre-built templates: Shopify Flow offers a range of templates for common workflows, such as sending emails when inventory is low or tagging high-value customers.

Custom workflows: merchants can also create custom workflows by setting up triggers, conditions, and actions, with AI optimising these processes over time.

Integrations: the tool integrates with apps across the Shopify ecosystem, allowing for seamless automation of tasks like order management, customer segmentation, and marketing.


  • Reduces manual workload, freeing up time for strategic tasks
  • Ensures consistency and accuracy in operations
  • Can be customised to fit the unique needs of your business

AI-driven analytics and forecasting

Shopify provides AI-driven analytics tools that help merchants understand their business performance and predict future trends. These insights are invaluable for making informed decisions about inventory, marketing, and sales strategies.

How it works

Sales forecasting: the AI analyses historical sales data, seasonal trends, and other factors to predict future sales, helping you optimise inventory and marketing efforts.

Customer behaviour analysis: it tracks and analyses customer behaviour on your site, providing insights into what’s driving conversions and where potential drop-offs occur.

Performance reports: these tools generate detailed reports that highlight key metrics, offering actionable insights to improve your store’s performance.


  • Helps with inventory planning and demand forecasting
  • Provides actionable insights for improving customer experience
  • Enhances decision-making with data-driven insights

Empower your ecommerce store with AI

Shopify’s AI tools are designed to help merchants operate more efficiently, engage customers more effectively, and drive higher sales. By automating routine tasks, personalising customer interactions, and providing deep insights into your business, these tools empower you to focus on what really matters: growing your brand.

Flow specialises in delivering scalable growth for Shopify businesses. If you want to make the most of Shopify’s suite of AI tools but don’t know where to start, our ecommerce experts can help with one-to-one training and advice. Fill in this form to get started.

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